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Canadian $20 bill
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Ontario’s Budget 2023 Consultation

Ontarians have been invited to provide feedback to the government on setting priorities for Budget 2023.

Andreae Sennyah

February 17, 2023

Canadian $50 and $10 dollar bills
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Alberta’s Budget 2023 Consultation

Albertans have been invited to provide feedback to the government on setting priorities for Budget 2023.

Andreae Sennyah

January 18, 2023

Old-fashioned cash register
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election, Work & Economics Recommendations

Restrictive tendering policies in Ontario restrict the companies eligible to bid on public construction projects.

Andreae Sennyah

April 26, 2022

Dice and cards
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: PEI Responsible Gambling Strategy Consultation

In Cardus’s gambling research and policy recommendations, we have maintained that the most important principle that should guide government-run gaming and lottery activities is protection of the most vulnerable members of society.

Andreae Sennyah Johanna Lewis

December 17, 2021

Poker chips
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Strathcona County Casino Bylaw Submission

Strathcona County is contemplating a repeal of the Casino Bylaw that has been in place since 2001. Bylaw 100-2001 was triggered by a petition from residents who sought to prohibit casinos within the County.

Andreae Sennyah

November 30, 2021

Turning Aces into Assets Report Cover
Work & Economics

Turning Aces into Assets

Four Options to Help the Government Turn Its Addiction to Gambling Revenue into Assets for the Poor

Johanna Lewis Brian Dijkema

May 28, 2021

Work & Economics
Research Report

Royally Flushed, Atlantic Canada

The Atlantic provinces disproportionately tax the poor through gambling to pay for government programs

Brian Dijkema Johanna Lewis

July 15, 2020

Work & Economics
Research Report

Royally Flushed, Alberta

Reforming Gambling to Work for, Not Against, Alberta

Brian Dijkema Johanna Lewis

July 15, 2020

Work & Economics
Research Report

Royally Flushed, British Columbia

Reforming Gambling to Work for, Not Against, British Columbia

Brian Dijkema Johanna Lewis

July 15, 2020