Research & Policy Library

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Research Report

Can We Call Them Credit Mills?

Assessing the Legitimacy of Some Independent Schools in Ontario

Joanna DeJong VanHof

June 24, 2024

Research Report

Retooling Teacher Certification

Bridging the Vocational-Technical Teacher Gap in Alberta

David Hunt Brett Fawcett

June 13, 2024

Perspectives Paper

The Progressive Case for Educational Pluralism

No, right-of-centre policymakers don't own the school choice movement. Progressives have been supporting educational pluralism at least since the 1960s.

Ashley Berner

May 14, 2024

Research Report

Navigating AI in Christian Schools

The Association of Christian Schools International and Cardus share insights from a survey of ACSI member schools about their use of artificial intelligence and what educators think about it.

Lynn E. Swaner Rian Djita

May 6, 2024

Research Report

Exploring Alberta’s Independent School Landscape

Diversity, Growth, and Trends

David Hunt Joanna DeJong VanHof

April 23, 2024

Perspectives Paper

Charting New Horizons for Independent Education in Canada

Cardus senior fellow Deani Van Pelt analyzes Canada's trends in education and brings the leading edge of educational change in 2023.

Deani Van Pelt

December 13, 2023

Children walking to school
Policy Brief

The Business Stake in K–12 Education

An Open Letter to Alberta Business Leaders

Michael Van Pelt

June 12, 2023

Child reaching for book off of shelf
Research Brief

What Ontario Parents Pay for Independent Schooling

What is the true cost of sending a child to an Ontario independent school? Cardus surveyed 21 independent school principals in Ontario to help answer that question, providing a fuller picture of this often misunderstood school sector.

David Hunt Joanna DeJong VanHof Jenisa Los

April 25, 2023

Stack of books
Policy Brief

Providing First Year Funding for New Alberta Independent-School Operators

Alberta should amend its regulations to guarantee funding in year one for new independent school operators that start new schools.

Andreae Sennyah Anointing Momoh

February 24, 2023