Research & Policy Library

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Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Research Report

Indigenous Voices of Faith

Research Report

She’s (Not) Having a Baby

Why Half of Canadian Women Are Falling Short of Their Fertility Desires

Lyman Stone

January 31, 2023

Collective Leadership header image
Perspectives Paper

Collective Leadership

A Catalyst for Improving in Christian Schools

Jonathan Eckert

January 25, 2023

Canadian $50 and $10 dollar bills
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Alberta’s Budget 2023 Consultation

Albertans have been invited to provide feedback to the government on setting priorities for Budget 2023.

Andreae Sennyah

January 18, 2023

Future Ready book cover
Research Report

Future Ready

Innovative Missions and Models in Christian Education

Lynn E. Swaner Jonathan Eckert Erik Ellefsen Matthew H. Lee

January 3, 2023

Church silhouette
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Marilyn Crowchild

Father Deacon Andrew Bennett, program director for Cardus Faith Communities, interviewed Marilyn Crowchild in Calgary, Alberta, on November 4, 2022.

December 20, 2022

Indigenous church
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Maria Lucas

Father Deacon Andrew Bennett, program director for Cardus Faith Communities, interviewed Maria Lucas in Toronto, Ontario, on October 27, 2022.

December 20, 2022

Church silhouette
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: John Borrows

Father Deacon Andrew Bennett, program director for Cardus Faith Communities, interviewed Professor John Borrows in Victoria, British Columbia, on November 1, 2022.

December 20, 2022

Food bank workers sort groceries
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Brief

Increasing Ontario’s Charitable Tax Credits

The number of charitable donors in Ontario shrank by more than 100,000 people between 2016 and 2020. Ontario could help reverse that trend by doubling its charitable tax credit, which is the lowest of any province or territory except Nunavut.

Andreae Sennyah

December 9, 2022