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Decorative abstract background, black and grey
Work & Economics
Research Report

Where is the Research?

April 28, 2011

Decorative abstract background, black and grey beams
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

Calgary City Soul Phase 1: Inventory of Physical Worship Space in Calgary’s Centre City

October 20, 2010

Decorative abstract background, glass building
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

International Unions: The Midwives of Rights Regimes

Trade unions were the midwives of two of the most important historical events in the twentieth century: the fall of communism in Poland and communism's subsequent loss of grip on large swathes of the world, and the end of apartheid in South Africa. Both would not have occurred without Solidarnosc in Poland or the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).

Brian Dijkema

June 16, 2010

Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Policy Brief

Cardus’ 2010 Federal Budget Analysis: Long-Term Talk Masks Short-Term Thinking

This is the Cardus analysis of the Government of Canada's Budget for fiscal year 2010-2011, released by the Hon. James M. Flaherty, Minister of Finance, on Thursday, March 4, 2010. This budget continues to provide tangible short-term stimulus but leaves major questions about long-term demographic and social changes unanswered. It is uncertain whether this government's preoccupation with physical infrastructure will yield the long-term benefit we hope, especially as our social deficits become increasingly evident: a shrinking charitable core, an aging and urbanizing population and an increasingly competitive global environment are tomorrow's problems untouched in this budget.

Ray Pennings Robert Joustra

March 10, 2010

Adults playing with tinkertoys
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

The Shifting Demand for Social Services

with particular reference to the charitable sector

Ray Pennings

February 16, 2010

Logo for Institute for Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC)
Research Report

The cost of a free lunch

Rebecca Walberg Andrea Mrozek

November 25, 2009

Illustration of upside-down church
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

Think Different

Urban Religious Communities: Problem Solvers or Trouble Makers?

Geoff Ryan Robert Joustra

November 20, 2009

Adults playing with tinkertoys
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

A Canadian Culture of Generosity

Renewing Canada's Social Architecture by Investing in the Civic Core and the "Third Sector"

Ray Pennings Stephen Lazarus

October 2, 2009

Logo for Institute for Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC)
Research Report

Private choices, public costs

Rebecca Walberg Andrea Mrozek

June 1, 2009