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The Headscarf Controversy
Faith Communities
Policy Brief

Uncovering Headscarf Ban Prejudices and Consequences

Combining compassion with rigorous scholarship, Elver's book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on Islam in the West. By limiting her comparative investigation to a handful of secular constitutional democracies (thus bypassing the Muslim states where women are forced by law or custom to veil themselves), Elver concentrates on the evolving balance between the complex ideas in her subtitle: secularism and freedom of religion.

Judd Birdsall

December 19, 2012

Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water or a Land Flowing with Milk and Honey?

Canada's economy is increasingly reliant on construction: what is fuelling this, and what challenges and opportunities does this pose for Canadian policy makers?

Brian Dijkema

November 29, 2012

Logo for Institute for Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC)
Research Report

Family responses to bullying

Peter Jon Mitchell

November 26, 2012

Yellow traffic light
Work & Economics
Research Report

Cardus Construction Competitiveness Monitor

Ontario Municipal Construction Markets

Brian Dijkema

October 25, 2012

Students chatting
Research Report

Cardus Education Survey: Phase II Report (2012)

Deani Van Pelt Ray Pennings

September 26, 2012

Illustrated data slides
Research Report

Cardus Education Survey: Phase II Extended Data Pack (2012)

Ray Pennings David Sikkink

September 25, 2012

Man looking at employment insurance benefits application
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Hedging on Labour Day: Debating Employment Insurance Reform

This research summary is intended to help readers understand the challenges facing Canada's EI system and to critically examine the solutions proposed.

John Sikkema

September 4, 2012

Architectural illustration
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Competition or Regulation? Reforming Labour Relations in Canada

Canadian labour relations policy requires a new paradigm to adjust to the realities of labour in the twenty first century. Governments should focus on increasing competition between trade unions, not on expensive and intrusive regulation. A policy focused on competition recognizes the proper limit and role of government and unions, make unions more accountable and responsive to their members, and drives innovation among labour organizations.

Ray Pennings Brian Dijkema John Sikkema

June 22, 2012

Logo for Institute for Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC)
Research Report

Finding fault with no-fault divorce

Andrea Mrozek

February 22, 2012