Research & Policy Library

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Research Report

Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education: Experiential Learning

A Case Study of Pacific Academy

Adrienne Castellon Allyson Jule Beth Green

April 8, 2020

Research Report

Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education: Building Community

A Case Study of Woodland Christian High School

Allyson Jule Adrienne Castellon

April 8, 2020

Research Report

Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education: Parent Involvement

A Case Study of Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School

Adrienne Castellon Allyson Jule

April 8, 2020

Canadian flag
Faith Communities
Research Report

An Institutional History of Religious Freedom in Canada

This paper aims to provide a historical context for why freedom of religion and conscience is foundational to Canadian democracy, diversity, pluralism, and to our common life as human beings living in this place, this Canada.

April 3, 2020

Green leaves
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Memo

A Call to Action to Support Canadian Civil Society in Response to COVID-19

Cardus is offering a clear plan of action to equip Canada’s governments to supply immediate financial support to charities in order to protect their capacity to provide crucial front-line services during and after the immediate crisis.

Sean Speer Brian Dijkema

March 20, 2020

Research Report

Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education: School Leadership

A Case Study of Living Waters Christian Academy

Adrienne Castellon Allyson Jule

March 6, 2020

Research Report

Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education: Technology and Computational Thinking

A Case Study of John Knox Christian Elementary School

Adrienne Castellon Allyson Jule

March 6, 2020

Research Report

Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education: Moral and Faith Formation

A Case Study of St. John Brebeuf Regional Secondary School

Adrienne Castellon Allyson Jule

March 6, 2020

Empty swings
Research Brief

Toward a More Diverse and Resilient Education Sector

Balancing Charter Reforms with Independent School Deregulation

David Hunt

March 2, 2020