Research & Policy Library

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Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Facilitating Access to Work when Designing the Canada Disability Benefit

Cardus sent an open letter to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion after the passage of Bill C-22. The letter restates the importance of ensuring that the Canada Disability Benefit incentivizes employment among those persons with disabilities who can work.

Brian Dijkema Renze Nauta Andreae Sennyah

July 14, 2023

Faith Communities
Research Brief

Religion and Belief Among Immigrants to Canada

Immigrants to Canada are significantly more religious and more open to public religious expression than non-immigrant Canadians.

Johanna Lewis

July 6, 2023

Work & Economics
Research Report

Curbing Crime with Employment

Exploring Work as Crime Prevention for Canadians with Criminal Records

Renze Nauta

June 13, 2023

Children walking to school
Policy Brief

The Business Stake in K–12 Education

An Open Letter to Alberta Business Leaders

Michael Van Pelt

June 12, 2023

Decorative abstract background, black and grey beams
Faith Communities
Policy Brief

Cardus Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Military Chaplaincy

The essential work of Canadian Armed Forces chaplains of all religious and philosophical traditions must be protected and encouraged.

Andrew P.W. Bennett

June 2, 2023

Skyline of Toronto
Work & Economics
Research Brief

Better Choices for Toronto

Finding Money in Open Tendering for Safety and Mental Health

Johanna Lewis Renze Nauta

May 17, 2023

generic banner
Research Report

Envisioning a Federal Family-Formation Policy Framework for Canada

Increasing Opportunity for Partnership and Raising Children

Peter Jon Mitchell

May 11, 2023

Stacks of books
Faith Communities
Research Report

The Bible and Us

Canadians and Their Relationship with Scripture

Andrew P.W. Bennett

May 2, 2023

Child reaching for book off of shelf
Research Brief

What Ontario Parents Pay for Independent Schooling

What is the true cost of sending a child to an Ontario independent school? Cardus surveyed 21 independent school principals in Ontario to help answer that question, providing a fuller picture of this often misunderstood school sector.

David Hunt Joanna DeJong VanHof Jenisa Los

April 25, 2023