Research & Policy Library

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Research Brief

Backgrounder on the Canada Child Benefit

Considerations for the Future

Rhys Patrick Peter Jon Mitchell

October 17, 2023

Research Brief

Child Care Funding Update: British Columbia – Year One

Implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements

Peter Jon Mitchell

October 12, 2023

Research Brief

Child Care Funding Update: Saskatchewan – Year One

Implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements

Peter Jon Mitchell

October 12, 2023

Research Brief

Child Care Funding Update: New Brunswick – Year One

Implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements

Peter Jon Mitchell

October 12, 2023

Perspectives Paper

Ethical Issues in Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Canada

This report provides an overview of the current situation of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada and highlights some of the major ethical problems that exist within it. It also argues that assisted death is distracting from the real and pressing need for a national palliative care infrastructure.

September 14, 2023

Legal building
Faith Communities
Research Report

Conflicting Rights? Balancing Equality and Fundamental Freedoms

Far from opposing one another, neither fundamental freedoms nor equality can exist without a meaningful guarantee of the other. The paper critiques case law and scholarship that needlessly pits these constitutional guarantees against one another.

Kristopher E. G. Kinsinger

September 12, 2023

Decorative abstract background, white slats
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Changes to Vulnerable Sector Check Fees – Ontario’s Police Record Checks Reform Act Review

Cardus made a submission to the Ministry of the Solicitor General's legislative review of the Police Record Checks Reform Act. We recommend that the Government of Ontario fully subsidize the cost of VSCs and associated fingerprinting requirements (if needed) when accessed for volunteer purposes.

Andreae Sennyah

September 11, 2023

Research Report

Religion and Fertility in Canada

Why do religious women in Canada tend to have more kids than their non-religious counterparts? This report explores what women told us.

Lyman Stone

July 19, 2023

Decorative abstract background, grey slats
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Ontario Infrastructure

Ontario needs a more competitive tendering process to increase the productivity of its infrastructure construction. This brief was first published by Ontario 360, a project of the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto, on July 19, 2023.

Brian Dijkema

July 19, 2023