Research & Policy Library

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Illustration of bike wheel
Research Report

Business Gone Quiet

Why Does Canada's Education Monopoly Continue Unquestioned?

Beth Green Brian Dijkema Michael Van Pelt

April 5, 2016

Municipal World publication
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

Can Data Standards Improve Our Common Lives?

Milton Friesen

March 4, 2016

Stylized Cash Money payday loan storefront
Work & Economics
Research Report

Banking on the Margins

Brian Dijkema Rhys McKendry

February 22, 2016

Report cover
Policy Memo

Steps Towards More Compassionate End-of-Life Care

Cardus reframes the existing work on palliative, hospice, and end-of-life care through the lenses of natural death, social architecture, and the continuum of care. This unique approach not only considers the system by which health care is provided but also places the patients and caregivers at the centre of the discussion, attuning policy to their needs.This 2016 Pre-Budget Submission to the Ontario Government focuses on two recommendations: building greater capacity for self-directed home care, and developing interoperable electronic health records.

Ray Pennings

February 12, 2016

Logo for Institute for Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC)
Research Report

The Swedish Series

Jonas Himmelstrand Andrea Mrozek

January 15, 2016

School playground
Research Report

Lessons for Ontario: Education Diversity Across Canada

Beth Green Stephanie Schoenhoff

November 19, 2015

Graduates throwing caps in the air at sunset
Research Report

Religious Schools, Gender Roles, and College Choices

Julie Dallavis

June 29, 2015

Research Report

Homeschooling and Young Adult Outcomes: Evidence from the 2011 and 2014 Cardus Education Survey

David Sikkink Sara Skiles

June 22, 2015

Logo for Cardus Religious Schools Initiative
Research Report

Variations in School Sector Advantages: Degrees, Earnings, and College Majors

Sara Skiles David Sikkink

June 5, 2015