Research & Policy Library

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Illustration of woman holding her womb with heartbeat signal
Research Report

Women’s Happiness, Women’s Health

The Feminist Fight Against Abortion

Andrea Mrozek

March 4, 2019

Decorative abstract background, blue slats
Faith Communities
Research Report

Synagogue and State

The Evolution of the Relationship Between the Jewish People, Halacha, and the State

Rabbi Moishele Fogel

February 11, 2019

Policy Memo

Joint Letter Requesting Federal Reinstatement of Marriage and Divorce Rate Data

On Jan 25, 2019 a letter with 31 signatories went to the federal government asking for the reinstatement of the collection of marriage and divorce rate statistics. Since that time, additional signatories have added their names requesting the reinstatement of this valuable data.

January 25, 2019

Children and brightly coloured leaves
Research Report

A Positive Vision for Child Care Policy Across Canada

January 21, 2019

Icon of Jesus and Supreme Court image
Faith Communities
Research Report

Opportunity and Temptation

A Reformed Christian Legal Perspective on Church Discipline in Canada

Doug Sikkema André Schutten

January 21, 2019

Icon of Jesus and Supreme Court
Faith Communities
Research Report

The Role of Canon Law in the Catholic Tradition and the Question of Church and State

This paper answers questions such as "What is Canon Law?" and "What are its sources, uses, and its theological basis in the Roman Catholic Church?" Fr. Laschuk, the Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese of Toronto, also explores Christian and canonical understandings of the proper relationship between church and state and between civil and canon law. This paper is the second in a series of three papers published by the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute on the intersection of civil and canon law.

Rev. Alexander Laschuk

January 14, 2019

Icon of Jesus and Supreme Court
Faith Communities
Research Report

Canon Law and its Intersection with Civil Law Throughout Canadian History

Rev. Francis Morrissey

January 7, 2019

Decorative abstract background, grey slats
Faith Communities
Research Report

How Comfortable Are Canadians Talking About Religion?

December 17, 2018

Policy Memo

Ontario Curriculum Consultation Submission

This submission to the Ontario Ministry of Education offers several recommendations to improve education policy and learning in Ontario. The report offers incremental steps to enhance parental choice, increase educational diversity for the common good, and establish a more accountable and cooperative relationship with Ontario's growing independent school sector.

December 10, 2018