Research & Policy Library

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Illustration of four students
Research Report

Cardus Education Survey 2018: From the Classroom to the Workplace

August 19, 2019

Two payday loan storefronts side-by-side.
Work & Economics
Research Report

The Changing Face of Payday Lending in Canada

Brian Dijkema

June 26, 2019

Decorative abstract background, grey spiral
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Testimony to the City of Toronto’s Executive Committee

The City of Toronto is considering the adoption of a fair and open contract bidding policy for all its public construction projects. So, the city invited Cardus Work & Economics Program Director Brian Dijkema to testify before Mayor John Tory’s executive committee on June 6, 2019, providing a research-backed take on the city’s procurement policy.

Brian Dijkema

June 6, 2019

Work & Economics
Policy Brief

The Facts on Fair and Open Contract Bidding

Closed tendering treats the City of Toronto like a private firm that is driven by the profit motive rather than public service. It is not. The City of Toronto is a corporation whose goal is to serve all of its citizens, regardless of their private beliefs, associations, and identities, and to provide them with an equal opportunity to build the beautiful city in which they live, work, play, and raise their families.

Brian Dijkema

June 5, 2019

Supreme Court of Canada image
Faith Communities
Research Report

Halacha and Civil Society

An Anecdotal Overview

Rabbi Reuven Bulka

April 30, 2019

Watercolour painting
Perspectives Paper

Education Reform in Canada

An Expert Discussion

Danielle Smith Deani Van Pelt Ray Pennings

April 25, 2019

Teacher in front of class, students' hands up
Research Report

Religious Schools: Seedbeds of Civic Virtue in the Culture War?

Ray Pennings Marisa Casagrande

April 4, 2019

Supreme Court of Canada image
Faith Communities
Research Report

Judaism and the Social Order

Two Models for Accommodation

Jonathan Milevsky

March 26, 2019

Pencil crayons of various colours
Research Report

Funding Fairness for Students in Ontario with Special Education Needs

Taylor Jackson Deani Van Pelt Ray Pennings

March 20, 2019