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Child and stuffed animal with teacher
Policy Brief

Creating Equitable Child Care Policy for Alberta

Parents in Alberta rely on diverse care options for their children. Policy-makers should respect the needs and choices of parents by continuing to focus on child care policies that are equitable for all families, regardless of the type of care they choose.Recent Statistics Canada data show that parents depend on diverse forms of care to best meet the needs of their family. This includes the 46 percent of parents in Alberta with children under six who do not use non-parental care. However, funding is primarily directed to centre-based care. How can the Alberta government include all families in its child care policy?

September 5, 2019

Child and stuffed animal with teacher
Policy Brief

Creating Equitable Child Care Policy for Ontario

Ontario parents rely on diverse care options for their children. Policy-makers should respect the needs and choices of parents by continuing to focus on child care policies that are equitable for all families, regardless of the type of care they choose.Recent Statistics Canada data show that parents depend on diverse forms of care to best meet the needs of their family. This includes the 46 percent of parents in Ontario with children under six who do not use non-parental care. However, funding is primarily directed to centre-based care. How can the Ontario government include all families in its child care policy?

September 5, 2019

Child and stuffed animal with teacher
Policy Brief

Creating Equitable Child Care Policy for British Columbia

Parents in British Columbia rely on diverse care options for their children. Policy-makers should respect the needs and choices of parents by continuing to focus on child care policies that are equitable for all families, regardless of the type of care they choose.Recent Statistics Canada data show that parents depend on diverse forms of care to best meet the needs of their family. This includes the 42 percent of parents in BC with children under six who do not use non-parental care. However, funding is primarily directed to centre-based care. How can the BC government include all families in its child care policy?

September 5, 2019

Child and stuffed animal with teacher
Policy Brief

Creating Equitable Child Care Policy for Canada

Canadian parents rely on diverse care options for their children. Federal policy-makers can develop a narrative that encourages child care policies that are equitable for all families.Recent Statistics Canada data show that parents depend on diverse forms of care to best meet the needs of their family. This includes the 40 percent of parents with children under six who do not use non-parental care. However, funding is primarily directed to centre-based care. How can the federal government include all families in its child care policy?

September 5, 2019

Illustration of four students
Research Report

2018 US Cardus Education Survey: The Ties that Bind

September 4, 2019

Decorative abstract background, grey slats

Creating Equitable Child Care Policy

This series explores how child care policies across Canada can be equitable for all families, regardless of the type of care they choose.

September 1, 2019

Illustration of four students
Research Report

2018 US Cardus Education Survey: Spiritual Strength, Faithful Formation

This report from the 2018 Cardus Education Survey examines the school sector effect on the religious commitment and spiritual formation of graduates of nongovernmental and public schools in the U.S. It is based on a representative survey of 1500 randomly selected American high school graduates (ages 24-39). The Cardus Education Survey includes a large number of controls for many factors in student development such as parental education, religion, and income, to isolate a school sector's particular impact.

August 29, 2019

Illustration of four students
Research Report

Cardus Education Survey 2018: Involved and Engaged

August 23, 2019

Child's rubber boots
Research Report

Who Chooses Independent Schools in British Columbia and Why?

David Hunt Deani Van Pelt

August 21, 2019