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Diakonia Project logo
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

The Welcome Home: A Mission of St. Alphonsus, Inc., Serving in Winnipeg, Manitoba

October 5, 2020

Person holding dying person's hand in hospital
Research Report

Vulnerability, Dependency, and Trust in the Shadow of Medical Aid in Dying

How might the legalization of euthanasia affect the trust that patients place in their doctors?

Cory Andrew Labrecque

September 30, 2020

Diakonia Project logo
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Christian Horizons: Serving in Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Around the World

September 22, 2020

Diakonia Project logo
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Matthew House (Ottawa)

September 22, 2020

Diakonia Project logo
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Ismaili CIVIC: Serving Canada-wide

September 22, 2020

Diakonia Project logo
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Pastoral Home Care Services: Serving the Greater Montreal Area

September 22, 2020

A hand-drawn image of a Jewish synagogue.
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

The Hidden Economy: How Faith Helps Fuel Canada’s GDP

How Faith Helps Fuel Canada's GDP

Brian Grim Melissa Grim

September 21, 2020

Decorative abstract background, black and white slats
Faith Communities
Research Report

The Anglosphere Project

An interactive timeline of religious freedom in the Anglo-American tradition

Little girl shows her father a picture she drew
Research Brief

Child Care During the Pandemic: British Columbia

From the beginning of the pandemic in British Columbia, child care was declared an essential service. Providers were not ordered to close but were also not forced to stay open. According to various child-care providers, the pandemic did not so much create problems as exacerbate existing challenges. Diverse forms of child care were available to families during the pandemic, but the crisis highlights the province’s inequitable treatment of providers based on the type of care they provide.

Andrea Mrozek

September 8, 2020