Research & Policy Library

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Small child playing
Policy Brief

Enhancing Ontario’s Child Care Tax Credit

The $13.2 billion agreement creates a new inequality between the minority of families who will benefit and everyone else.

Peter Jon Mitchell

April 7, 2022

Child and teacher over a book
Policy Brief

Ontario’s Tutoring Supports Program

Disruptions in education have resulted in learning gaps for students who now need tutoring to catch up academically.

Andreae Sennyah

April 5, 2022

Perspectives Paper

Assessing Ontario’s Pandemic School Closures and What Students Need

Prolonged school closures has sparked debate about the intention, necessity, and efficacy of halting in-person education as an effective policy tool.

Joanna DeJong VanHof

March 29, 2022

A man in a wheelchair discusses a matter with co-workers
Work & Economics
Research Report

Breaking Down Work Barriers for People with Disabilities

We take a closer look at the human costs of Canadians with disabilities’ exclusion from work and identify some of the key questions standing in the way of positive policy reform.

Johanna Lewis

March 23, 2022

A man in a wheelchair discusses a matter with co-workers
Work & Economics
Research Report

Abattre les barrières pour les personnes en situation de handicap (Extrait)

Extrait d’un rapport de recherche de Cardus

Johanna Lewis Brian Dijkema

March 23, 2022

Man on cliffside, for some reason
Faith Communities
Policy Memo

Memo: Evaluating Reasonable Limits on Religious Freedom

Canadian legislators have faced questions about what constitutes “reasonable limits” on the rights and freedoms set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Andreae Sennyah

March 14, 2022

Child angel statue
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Bill C-3 Bereavement Leave Provisions for the Loss of a Child

Response to Bill C-3 on the Canada Labour Code.

Andreae Sennyah

February 10, 2022

Mother holds her baby
Research Brief

Backgrounder on Federal Parental-Leave Benefits

The purpose of this backgrounder is to provide context for conversations at Cardus on the advantages, challenges, and potential reforms needed to improve Canada’s parental-leave benefits policies.

Peter Jon Mitchell

February 9, 2022

Teacher wearing hijab assisting students
Faith Communities
Research Report

Reasonable Limits

How Far Does Religious Freedom Go in Canada?

Dwight Newman

February 9, 2022