Research & Policy Library

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Indigenous Voices of Faith: Jeff Decontie
Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Indigenous Voices of Faith: Jeff Decontie

Jeff Decontie, who is of Anishinaabe and Mohawk heritage, shares his experience as an urban Indigenous professional.

November 17, 2022

Cashier scanning items
Work & Economics
Research Report

Canada’s New Working Class

Canada’s New Working Class offers leaders a contemporary, modern understanding of the 6.5 million Canadians who are in the working class. One key finding is that members of Canada’s working class are as likely to be women or recent immigrants in sales or service jobs as they are to be men doing blue-collar, mostly unionized, manufacturing work. Canada's New Working Class busts stereotypes and outlines a true, inclusive working-class agenda.

Sean Speer Sosina Bezu Renze Nauta

September 29, 2022

An woman learns to use a torch cutter
Work & Economics
Research Report

Economic Reconciliation

How Have Indigenous Peoples in Canada Fared Since 2008?

Johanna Lewis N.T. Khuong Truong

September 15, 2022

Three graduates in caps and gown.
Research Report

Many Educational Systems, a Common Good

An International Comparison of American, Canadian, and Australian Graduates

Albert Cheng Rian Djita David Hunt

July 26, 2022

Construction crew high up on a building and dusk with a crane in the background.
Work & Economics
Research Report

A Framework for Implementing Community Benefits Agreements

Governments need to consider how CBAs can increase costs, both internally through greater project-management costs and externally on businesses, and how they can lead to overall cost increases for projects.

Albert Flootman

July 15, 2022

Volunteers playing with children at camp
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

Vulnerable Sector Check Costs Remain a Barrier for Volunteers

The giving of both time and resources in the form of volunteering and charitable donations is a part of the fabric of a way of life: a mark of healthy citizenship and flourishing society.

Joanna DeJong VanHof

July 12, 2022

Volunteers clean up a beach.
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Brief

Absorbing Vulnerable Sector Check Fees to Reduce Barriers to Volunteering

The financial burden of VSCs is onerous for smaller charities or volunteers with low incomes, especially if each organization requires a separate check.

Andreae Sennyah

July 12, 2022

Pencil on planning document
Faith Communities
Policy Memo

Memo: Niagara Regional Council Should Retain Exemption from Development Charges for Places of Worship

Niagara Region Council is planning to remove the exemption from developmental charges for places of worship under By-law 2017-98.

Andreae Sennyah Brian Dijkema

June 30, 2022

Decorative abstract background. glass ceiling
Work & Economics
Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Turning Aces Into Assets

The Case For Gambling Reform In Ontario

Johanna Lewis Brian Dijkema

June 21, 2022