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Work & Economics
Research Report

Benefits for Whom?

Assessing British Columbia’s Community Benefits Agreement

Renze Nauta

September 12, 2024

Decorative abstract background, glass building
Policy Memo

Federal Consultation on Early Learning and Child Care

In response to the ESDC Discussion Guide, we outline why the Canada-wide child care program does not meet the needs of low-income families and offer recommendations to better serve all Canadian families.

Peter Jon Mitchell Andreae Sennyah

September 12, 2024

Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Senate Committee’s Study of Bill S-269 on Advertising for Sports Betting

Cardus supports the creation of a national framework on sports betting advertising. Our core position is that sports betting advertising should be treated similarly to alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis advertising, reducing exposure to these products for those most at-risk.

Brian Dijkema Renze Nauta Andreae Sennyah

September 10, 2024

Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Capital Funding Boost for Alberta Independent Schools

We recommend that Alberta Education help address the overcapacity issue in schools through a one-time capital funding boost of $100 million for new and existing independent schools.

Catharine Kavanagh Michael Van Pelt Andreae Sennyah

September 6, 2024

Work & Economics
Research Report

The Hidden Harms of Single-Event Sports Betting in Ontario

Ontario needs to prioritize player safety in sports betting.

Johanna Lewis

September 5, 2024

Work & Economics
Research Brief

How Big Is Canada’s Black Market for Sports Betting?

The Gambling Industry’s Claims Don’t Survive Scrutiny

Johanna Lewis

September 5, 2024

Research Brief

Child Care Funding Update: Manitoba—Years One and Two (2021–22 and 2022–23)

Implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements

Peter Jon Mitchell

August 29, 2024

Research Brief

Child Care Funding Update: Nova Scotia—Years One and Two (2021–22 and 2022–23)

Implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements

Peter Jon Mitchell

August 29, 2024

Decorative abstract background of a modern building

Child Care Funding Update

Implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements