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Community Benefits Agreements must be fair, open, and inclusive

A new research report is challenging governments at all levels to re-imagine the way they are adopting and implementing community benefits agreements (CBAs) for infrastructure and other projects.

Independent Schools Instill Good Citizenship Values, Study Finds

This Canada Day – perhaps more than any other previously – will be a time to reflect on what good citizenship means and how civic values are formed. The need for those values has come into sharp focus recently amid horrifying news regarding the federal government’s former Indigenous residential schools.

Time For Canadians To Confront Declining Fertility

According to a new Cardus policy brief, Missing Marriage and the Baby Carriage, Canada’s fertility rate was at a historic low pre-pandemic and early indications are that it dropped further in 2020.

Rebuilding Post-Pandemic Ontario Must Include Gambling Reform

As Ontario gradually moves toward a post-pandemic period, the province will need to find ways to renew and rebuild both economically and socially. This is especially important for low-income families, given how hard the pandemic has hit them relative to other Ontarians.

Canada Needs A COVID Vaccination Incentive Program Now

Canadian think tank Cardus is calling on the federal government to introduce vaccine incentives aimed at encouraging vaccine uptake.

Ontario Introduces Modern, Workable Regime For Skilled Trades

Think tank Cardus is welcoming the introduction of the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act in Ontario. The Act sets out a new approach to the governance and promotion of trades in the province, jettisoning the negative parts of the former approach and enhancing its positives.

Federal Government Underestimates Cost of National Daycare

The federal government dramatically underestimated the cost of creating a national daycare system in Budget 2021. Crunching the numbers in a new report, Look Before You Leap, think tank Cardus estimates a national daycare system would realistically cost an estimated $36.3 billion per year.

STATEMENT regarding Federal Budget 2021 Child Care Announcement

The child care plan proposed in Budget 2021 is structurally opposed to equity for all families. All families will pay for the plan, but only families who choose or can access the type of care the federal government favours receive the subsidized benefit.

Ontario Needs New Approach To Limit Harm Of High-cost Loans

Ontario cannot regulate and ban its way out of high-cost credit agreements that harm customers who have little to no access to safe and affordable credit.

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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