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Human Rights Experts Call for Canada to Speak Out About Religious Persecution in China

Mere days after a parliamentary committee labelled the China’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority a genocide, human rights experts are warning about other rights violations by the Chinese government.

STATEMENT on throne speech child care policy commitment

I welcome the federal government’s commitment to ensuring “flexible care options” for the care of children. I hope the government will affirm the full range of child care choices beyond just paid, licensed care.

A $67.5-Billion Annual Investment in Canadian Society

Amid pandemic-related job loss and economic worries, new research suggests there is a sector of Canadian society that plays an important, but often unrecognized, economic role: religion.

COVID + WE Scandal: Federal Action on Charitable Sector Needed Now More than Ever

Canadians are feeling the financial and economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic and so are Canadian charities. Almost two out of five Canadian charitable donors say their giving has dropped since the pandemic began.

COVID et scandale unis: des mesure fédérales au soutien du secteur caritatif sont plus nécessaires que jamais

Les Canadiens subissent les répercussions financières et économiques de la pandémie de coronavirus, tout comme les organismes de bienfaisance canadiens. Près de deux donateurs canadiens sur cinq indiquent avoir réduit leurs dons aux organismes de bienfaisance depuis le début de la pandémie, selon une enquête de l’Institut Angus Reid réalisée avec un consortium d’organisations caritatives (CanaDon, Cardus, Charitable Impact, Imagine Canada, Fondations philanthropiques Canada et Centraide United Way Canada).

Canada’s Child Care Policy Needs to Keep Up With Challenging Times

Just as families have done their best to adapt to new challenges in 2020, so too must the federal government as it adjusts its child care policies and commitments.

Cardus Religious Freedom Institute Gains Two New Advisors

Cardus is pleased to announce today two new appointments to the Advisory Council of the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute (CRFI): David Anderson and Christian Stackaruk.

Alberta Independent School Families Have Below Average Incomes

New research indicates that Alberta families with children in independent schools tend to have below average incomes. The report, Who Chooses Alberta Independent Schools and Why?, from think tank Cardus compared independent school families (overwhelmingly with two parents) to Alberta’s average two-parent households.

Groundbreaking Research on Australian Christian Schools Released

Pioneering North American education research is now proving its worth in Australia. The newly published report Australian Schools and the Common Good uses the Cardus Education Survey (CES) to measure the contribution of Australian secondary school graduates to the “common good” of society, rather than just the academic success of the individual.

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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