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Cardus shares its research and evidence-based policy recommendations in multiple ways, including through the news media. Find the latest coverage of Cardus here.

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The Epoch Times


Young Canadians say “proof of love and commitment” top reason to marry

"Nearly half of Canadian young adults who intend to marry say proving their love and devotion will be the primary motivation for doing so, says a new report from think tank Cardus."


What do young Canadians think of marriage?

"Canada’s wedding industry has been one of the hardest hit because of the pandemic. Now there’s word young Canadian couples are sidestepping getting hitched altogether – not because they don’t love each other, but because they feel they don’t need to get married to prove this.," reports the Ottawa Sun. Do we need to re-frame the cultural story of marriage?

the line logo


Quebec’s child-care system isn’t what you’ve been told it is

"The federal government has not committed to building a system, but to funding provinces for an insufficient number of spaces over the next five years. What happens after that? The federal plan to deliver on child care appears to boil down to leaving a hot mess for the provinces to clean up down the road when federal funding has been proven to be wholly inadequate," Andrea Mrozek and Peter Jon Mitchell write.

National post logo


A compelling critique of Ontario’s vaccine mandates

"Now my colleagues at Cardus, in the form of an open letter to Premier Ford , have provided a detailed analysis of the vaccine passport policy, with concrete proposals for alternatives that are effective, practical and not punitive. “We’ve Got Better Options” is not government-hating, conspiracy-spotting, anti-scientific raving. It is sober analysis," writes Cardus Senior Fellow Fr. Raymond de Souza in the National Post.

AM 900 CHML logo


Time to end vaccine passports in Ontario

Ontario's COVID vaccine passport system isn't all it's cracked up to be. In an open letter to Premier Doug Ford, Cardus contends the passport policy "intrudes deeply into personal autonomy, yet fails the balancing test. It is an unjustified, unnecessary, and harmful overreach, with serious short- and long-term consequences." Cardus Vice-President of External Affairs Brian Dijkema explains why on Hamilton's CHML Radio.

Toronto Sun logo


Let’s move away from Ontario’s vaccine passport system

COVID vaccine passports have major flaws and Ontario’s government has better options available. That’s why think tank Cardus has sent Premier Ford an open letter, calling for him to immediately replace vaccine passports with effective, evidence-based policy.

the Hub logo


In dark times, watch for the light making its way in

Cardus Executive Vice-President Ray Pennings takes a glance at the dark and gloomy mood over much of North America and wonders, might there be more light making its way in than is meeting the eye?


When conscience is attacked, the ground beneath us shakes

Moral and ethical reflection, making normative sense of the world and striving to live accordingly, is an essential part of being human. Public leaders need to better grasp the role that conscience rights play in a free and democratic society. If they do not, freedom of conscience and the kind of society we cherish will eventually disappear.


Are CBAs as effective as advertised?

When On-Site Magazine published an article on Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs), which also referred to some of our research, it generated a lot of feedback from readers in the construction industry. Chris Gardner, President of the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association, wrote in to plead for more complete coverage of the damage caused by the way British Columbia handles CBAs. And Gardner brings in other recent Cardus research to bolster his argument.  

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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