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Give Parents a Choice in Child Care

"Yet, fundamentally, child care is the care of a child, regardless of who does it," writes Levi Minderhoud, B.C. manager for the Association for Reformed Political Action Canada. Minderhoud picks up a Cardus argument to make his case for direct child care help to parents.

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The Politicization of Charitable Status

Denying charitable status to crisis pregnancy centres because of their stance on abortion "is a threat to freedom of expression in a pluralist society and sets a troubling precedent for the politicization of charitable status in Canada," writes Andreae Sennyah.

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Religious Bigotry is Not the Answer to the Military’s Culture Problem

"Have the authors of this report, reputable leaders with credentials and careers in public service, all been so blinded to their worldview that they can write their report without realizing the offence it provokes?" asks Ray Pennings, Executive Vice-President of Cardus?

the line logo


This Proposed Assault on Canada’s Religious Freedom Cannot Stand

A report recommending Canada's government remove Abrahamic faiths from the military chaplaincy is "one of the most egregious examples of anti-religious sentiment I have ever seen in Canada," writes Brian Dijkema, Vice-President of External Affairs at Cardus.

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Defence Minister Says Military Chaplains Will Stay After Diversity Report Calls for Limits

After Michael Van Pelt, President and CEO of Cardus, called out discriminatory recommendations for re-defining the military chaplaincy in Canada, the defence minister took a step to put some distance between herself and the recommendations.

The Globe and Mail logo


Religious Bigotry Won’t Solve the Canadian Military’s Discrimination Problem

"Eliminating sexism, racism and other social evils from the Canadian Armed Forces is a laudable goal. But sadly, the National Defence Advisory Panel on Systemic Racism and Discrimination has recommended an approach that appears to be based in religious bigotry: a theological cleansing of the military’s chaplaincy from some faiths," writes Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett.

Catholic Register logo


Department of National Defence Panel Addresses Racism with More Racism

A recently released report from the Minister of National Defence’s Advisory Panel on Systemic Racism and Discrimination calls for discriminatory action itself among some of its many recommendations. The panel recommends the Canadian Armed Forces not employ chaplains affiliated with religions “whose beliefs are not synonymous with those of a diverse and inclusive workplace.” Cardus is calling on the defence to reject that part of the report.

The Hill Times logo


Reaction to Budget 2022’s Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities

$272.6-million to improve the employment prospects of people with disabilities is “pretty underwhelming,” says Cardus's Brian Dijkema, compared to what the government spends on other priorities.

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Les Croyances et Pratiques Religieuses Diffèrent Selon les Provinces

Comment pouvons-nous comprendre les croyances et pratiques religieuses à l'Alberta et les autres provinces du Canada? Lisa Richmond, Vice-Président de recherche à Cardus, explique les résultats d'un sondage par l'Angus Reid Institute.

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Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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