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National post logo


Canada is Letting Down Women Who Want Bigger Families

"Politicians who say they support reproductive choice need to better support young Canadians who want the choice to have children, or more of them," writes National Post columnist Sabrina Maddeaux.

CACE logo


What’s Missing from the School Choice Debate

"The school choice debate is not a binary 'either/or',” write David Hunt, education program director at Cardus, and Erik Ellefsen, a Cardus senior fellow. "Parents are increasingly choosing between a wider array of options, such as public-charter schools, open-enrollment public schools, virtual schools (of all kinds), micro schools, religious schools, and non-religious independent schools." Photo by Muhammad Rizwan on Unsplash

Lean Out with Tara Henley logo


As Much Pain as Progress

Are Canadians warming up to discussing the sensitive topic of fertility? Andrea Mrozek, a Cardus senior fellow, joins podcaster and journalist Tara Henley to analyse the issue from a personal, thoughtful, and research-based perspective.

Saskatoon Star Phoenix logo


Culture War Against Saskatchewan Religious Schools Must Cease

"Mischaracterizing all religious independent schools as bastions of abuse and intolerance that don’t prepare students for post-secondary education is false," writes David Hunt, education program director at Cardus. "Robust social science research confirms religious independent schools produce civic-minded graduates ready to contribute to society."

News Forum logo


Canada’s New Working Class

"Our challenge to politicians of all to develop a policy agenda that speaks to, not who the working class used to be in the 1950s, but who they are today," Renze Nauta, Cardus Work & Economics Program Director, tells The News Forum.

Calgary Herald logo


‘Absurd, Antiquated’ Rules Prevent Subject Experts From Teaching in Classrooms

"The fact that anyone with a B.Ed. is qualified to teach high school math but someone with a Ph.D. in mathematics isn’t, is absurd," Catharine Kavanagh, our Alberta liaison officer, and David Hunt, our education program director, write in the Calgary Herald. Subject matter experts can be teachers too.

Toronto Star logo


Two Topics We’re Not Supposed to Talk About: Religion and Politics

Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett, our faith communities program director, joins journalist Althia Raj on It's Political, her Toronto Star podcast. He explains the findings of our research brief on religious hate crimes in Canada and helps explain why religious Canadians have a role to play in politics and other spheres of life.

the Hub logo


Good Friday Is a Good Time to Remember Religion’s Significant Societal Benefits

"Faith and religion have a public dimension," writes Ray Pennings, executive vice-president of Cardus. "They are not just personal and private. Canadians may be pleasantly surprised to learn that faith and faith communities are a much more significant part of our social fabric than they realize."

the Hub logo


It’s Time Alberta’s Regulators Caught Up To Charter School Demand

"Even as new charter schools open and existing schools expand, demand is outstripping supply by a huge margin," writes Catharine Kavanagh, our Alberta liaison officer. "So why are so many children and families stuck in educational limbo, crossing their fingers and hoping they’ll get one of the highly-coveted spots in these schools?"

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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